Ensure that Your Student Resources are Reputable

Ensure that Your Student Resources are Reputable

With the information overload being experienced around the globe, it is easy to fall into the trap of misinformation. Get access to some nifty tips that may make you think twice about just trusting any piece of information online.

When should students get guidance on consulting online sources?

Students can get guidance as early as middle school or high school age when it comes to researching or looking for sources online. Students should be comfortable enough to use the Internet to find information without fear.

The main focus for this younger age group should be teaching your students to be critical thinkers when they are browsing content on the Internet.

It is essential to discuss media bias

Media bias can be defined as the perception that the media reports news in a prejudiced or partial manner. Media bias occurs when the media seems to push a specific viewpoint rather than reporting the news impartially or objectively. This behavior also occurs when the media seems to ignore an important piece of detail that is key to the story.

Students may not always realize that many online sources are biased in how they report a story. It is important to discuss this biased behavior so that students can learn to identify potential media bias on popular sites and discuss the negative effects of this. Have your students pull up similar stories on the same topic on two different sites.

Every student deserves access to reputable information

Teaching students how to find credible information online is vital to developing critical-thinking skills. When students have the tools to find reliable and credible information online, they are more likely to become wise and informed citizens of a community.